
Pan-African accretionary metamorphism in the Sperrgebiet Domain, Gariep Belt, SW Namibia
J.F.A. Diener, R.J. Thomas, P.H. Macey
- Associate

Stenian–Tonian arc magmatism in west–central Madagascar: the genesis of the Dabolava Suite
D.B. Archibald, A.S. Collins, J.D. Foden, J.L. Payne, P.H. Macey, P. Holden, P.T. Razakamanana
- Associate

Structural analysis and 3D modelling of major mineralizing structures at the Phalaborwa copper deposit
I. Basson, P. Lourens, H-D. Paetzold, S. Thomas, R. Brazier, P. Molabe

Structural controls on Fe mineralization at Thabazimbi Mine, South Africa
I.J. Basson and C. Koegelenberg

Tectonic switches and the exhumation of deep-crustal granulites during Neoarchean terrane accretion in the area around Grædefjord, SW Greenland
A. Dziggel, T. F. Kokfelt, J. Kolb, A. F. M. Kisters, R. Reifenrother
- Associate

Episodic granite accumulation and extraction from the mid crust
D. Hall, A. Kisters
- Associate

From steep feeders to tabular plutons e Emplacement controls of syntectonic granitoid plutons in the Damara Belt, Namibia
D. Hall, A. Kisters
- Associate

Lithostratigraphy of the Friersdale Charnokite (Keimos Suite) South Africa
C.W. Lambert, P.H. Macey, S. Doggart, S.S. Nethenzheni, R.H. Ballie

Magma accumulation and segregation during regional-scale folding: The Holland’s dome granite injection complex, Damara belt, Namibia
T. Kruger, A. Kisters
- Associate

Mid-crustal shear zone development under retrograde conditions: pressure–temperature–fluid constraints from the Kuckaus Mylonite Zone, Namibia
J.F.A. Diener, A. Fagereng and S.A.J. Thomas

Shear-zone hosted copper mineralisation of the Omitiomire deposit – Structural controls of fluid flow and mineralisation during subduction accretion in the Pan-African Damara Belt of Namibia
S. Kitt, A. Kisters, N. Stevens, K. Maiden, K. Hartmann
- Associate

Structural analysis and implicit 3D modelling of high-grade host rocks to the Venetia kimberlite diatremes, Central Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa
I. J. Basson, P.K. Creus, C.J. Anthonissen, B. Stoch, J. Ekkerd