
Tect is the Reseller for Rock Mapper Pty Ltd, an Australian technology company based in Melbourne, for Africa. Rock Mapper is an easy-to-use app for paperless geological and geotechnical mapping and grade control.

Structural Geology for Geotechnical Professionals
The course, which is supported by the Large Open Pit Project, is designed for Geoscientists, Geotechnical Engineers and Students. It covers the fundamentals of structural analysis, 3D modelling and validation for mine design and mining.
Bushveld Complex Compilation
For exploration and mining companies working on the Bushveld Complex, a comprehensive collection of key data sets, compiled and re-interpreted from public-domain information.
GeoPoint is an interactive, geological database which gives users access to spatial data and mineral occurrences throughout Africa.
GeoFlight provides simple and affordable drone-based imaging and mapping solutions, customised to suit your business requirements.