TECT, an abbreviation of “Tectonic”, has its roots in the opencast mining industry
Over two decades ago, TECT undertook detailed structural mapping and 3D Geomodelling at Rössing Uranium Mine in Namibia and De Beers’ Venetia Mine in South Africa. Since then, TECT’s philosophy of careful, high-resolution mapping, structural interpretation, data custodianship and advanced, best-practice 3D Geomodelling, has resulted in over 100 fully-constrained 3D models of major structures, country rock and orebody geometries, alteration zones, fracture domains and bedding or foliation domains. Although the core of our business is in Africa and the Middle East, TECT’s Associate Consultants and Associate Researchers have consulted to mining projects in Argentina, Bosnia, Brazil, Canada,Chile , Ecuador, Finland, India, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Vietnam and Australia
Each TECT Geoscientist takes full custodianship of a project, from field mapping to 3D modelling and presentation of the model and its associated report
TECT incorporates validated data from every department at each operation, so that our fully-constrained 3D models may be used for pit design, mineral resource modelling, hydrogeological studies and mining simulations across a variety of platforms
Advanced 3D modelling in structurally-complex settings is our speciality
The requirement to accurately model deeper, more structurally-complex deposits and prospects is becoming increasingly prevalent. In particular, shear-zone-hosted, orogenic and Birimian Au mineralization, polygenetic base-metal mineralization and REE mineralization have formed a large component of our most recent work
3D stress-strain analysis
We have pioneered the development of tertiary products, including apparent dip analysis, to resolve the angular relationships between planes of anisotropy and pit design surfaces. Furthermore, we have also developed scripts for extracting 3D representative form surfaces of planes of anisotropy, interpolated from a combination of mapping, oriented core logging and O/ATV data. These products form important components of simulated 3D stress-strain analysis and the determination of potential failure modes
TECT’s 3D models are employed on the following major mines and operations
Cullinan Mine
Lubambe Mine
Namoya Mine
Mutanda Mine
Palabora Mine
Booysendal Mine
Sishen Mine
Marikana 2 Shaft Project
Orapa Diamond Mine
Venetia Mine
Voorspoed Mine
Kansanshi Mine
Geita Main Pit
Lumwana Mine
K.O.V. Mine
- GAP Analysis
- Workflow Development
- Training, and Implementation
- Structural Analysis and Domaining
- Fully-Constrained 3D Structural and Lithological Models
- Apparent Dip Analysis
- Form Surface Modelling
- Input to Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Studies