H.F. Fourie: M.Sc. Geology (2024). Structural Controls, 3D Geometry and the Evolution of Copper Mineralization at Frontier Mine, Zambian Copperbelt. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
M.P. Hales: Ph.D. Geology (2024). Geological Setting and Genesis of Vein-Hosted Copper Mineralization at the Onganja Mining District, Namibia. School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
C. Lambert: Ph.D. Geology (2023). Reconstructing the Architecture and Evolution of the Proterozoic Grenville Province in Western Quebec: Insights from Field Mapping, Structure, Geochemistry and Geochronology. Polytechnique Montreal, Canada.
P.K. Creus: Ph.D. Geology (2022). 3D Structural Controls of the Shear Zone-hosted Dugald River Zinc-Lead-Silver Deposit, Mount Isa Inlier, Australia. James Cook University, Australia.
R.F. Raath: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2022, Cum Laude). Geology, Timing and Significance of the Klipheuwel Group in the Pan-African Saldania belt. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
C. Jones: M.Sc. Geology (2021, Cum Laude). Controls of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Gold Mineralization in the Sheba-Fairview Complex, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
S.R. Perroud: M.Sc. Structural Geology and Neotectonics (2021, with Honours). Neotectonic Assessment of Southern Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone based on Remote Sensing and Field Observations. Department of Geology, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Universidad de Chile (University of Chile).
G. Fuentes E: Ph.D. Structural Geology and Tectonics (2020). Control of the Pre-Orogenic Architecture and Tectonic Evolution of the Western Cordilleran Front in the Construction of the Central Andes | Control de la arquitectura pre-orogénica y evolución tectónica del frente cordillerano occidental en la construcción de los Andes Centrales. Department of Geology, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Universidad de Chile (University of Chile).
M.P. Hales: M.Sc. Geology (2020). Structural and Kinematic Analysis of a Pseudotachylite-Bearing Fault System within the Upper Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
B. Stoch: M.Sc. Geology (2020). Implicit Geological Modelling of Key Platiniferous Reefs of the Main Chamber of the Bushveld complex: Implications for the Complex’s Structural History. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
C. Jones: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2019, Cum Laude). The Origins of the Zwartkoppie Alteration and its Controls on High-Grade Gold Mineralization at Sheba Mine, Barberton Greenstone Belt. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
H. Fourie: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2019). Unravelling the Stratigraphy Offshore Chameis Bay, Southern Namibia: A Study on a Marine Diamond Placer. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
L.R. Carlton: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2019). Structural Controls of Cross-Fracture Reefs at Sheba Mine, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
J.N. Gloyn-Jones: M.Sc. Geology (2018, Cum Laude). Structural Controls of Auriferous Reefs at Fairview Mine, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
R. Perroud: B.Sc. Structural Geology and Tectonics (2017, 1st in Class, with Honours). Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Chañarcillo Basin, between the 28°20’ and 28°40’S. Department of Geology, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Santo Tomás (Santo Tomás University).
M.P. Hales: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2017, Cum Laude). Structural Analysis and Interpretation of the Orange Basin Transitional Domain using 3D Seismics. School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
M-J. McCall: M.Sc. Geology (2016). Mineralogical and Geochemical Variations in the UG2 Reef at Booysendal and Zondereinde Mines, with Implications for Beneficiation of PGM. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
J.N. Gloyn-Jones: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2016). A Structural Section Through the Contact Aureole of the Donkerhuk Batholith in Namibia: Emplacement Controls of a Syntectonic Granite Injection Complex. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
C.K. Koegelenberg: Ph.D. Geology (2015). Structural Evolution and Geochronology of the Eastern Parts of the Mesoproterozoic Karagwe-Ankole Belt, NW Tanzania: Implications for the Regional Tectonic Framework, Fluid Flow and Au-ferrous Mineralization. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.a
B. Stoch: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2013). Emplacement Controls of Leucogranite Sheets in the Swakops River, Damara Belt, Namibia. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
C. Lambert: M.Sc. Geology (2013, Cum Laude). Granitic Melt Transport and Emplacement Along Transcurrent Shear Zones: Case Study of the Pofadder Shear. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
M-J. McCall: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2013, Cum Laude). 3D Distribution and Composition of PGM from the Merensky Reef, Western Bushveld Complex: A Comparison Between Normal and IRUP-Disturbed Reef Types. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
C.K. Koegelenberg: M.Sc. Geology (2011). Magmatic Sulphide Petrology, Bushveld Complex. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
G. Fuentes E: B.Sc. Geology and Volcanology (2011, Highest Distinction). Geology and Volcanological Evolution of the Morada del Diablo Crater, Pali-Aike Volcanic Field, XII Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica, Chile| GeologÃa y Evolución Volcanológica del cráter Morada del Diablo, Campo Volcánico Pali Aike, XII Región de Magallanes y la Antartica Chilena, Chile. Department of Geology, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Universidad de Chile (University of Chile).
P.K. Creus: M.Sc. Geology (2011). Geology and Structural Controls of Lode Gold Mineralization Around the Navachab Gold Mine in the Pan-African Damara Belt of Namibia. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
P.K. Creus: B.Sc. Honours Applied Geology (2009). Geology of the Kliprand Dome – Evidence for Lower Crustal Ductile Flow. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
C.K. Koegelenberg: B.Sc. Honours Economic and Applied Geology (2009). Magmatic Sulphide Petrology of the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
C. Lambert: B.Sc. Honours Geology (2009, Cum Laude). Thrust Geometry and Thrusting Mechanics in Rocks of the Port Nolloth Group Between the Hilda beacon and Ploegberg, Pan African Gariep Belt. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
P.H. Macey: Ph.D. Geology (2003). The Characteristics of Regional-Scale Fluids, Fluid-Flow and Hydrothermal Mineralization in Meta-Sedimentary Terranes: A Stable Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Study of the Zerrissene Group Metaturbidites and Sn–W Deposits, Brandberg West area, Neoproterozoic Damara Orogen, Central Western Namibia. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
J.A. Miller. Ph.D. Geology (2001). Fluid Flow During High-Pressure Metamorphism. Monash University, Australia.
I.J. Basson: Ph.D. Geology (2000). The Structural, Metamorphic and Tectonic Context of Selected Sub-Economic Veining in the Natal Thrust Front and Natal Nappe Zone, Northern Kwazulu Natal. Geology and Applied Geology Department, University of Natal, South Africa.
J.A. Miller: M.Sc. Geology (1995). Metamorphism and Fluid flow in the Mallee Bore area, Northern Harts Range, Central Australia. Monash University, Australia.
I.J. Basson: B.Sc. Honours Geology (1994, Cum Laude). The Structural Geology of the Northern Portion of the Potchefstroom Fault. Geology and Applied Geology Department, University of Natal, South Africa.
A. Kisters: Ph.D. Economic and Applied Geology (1993). Economic Geology Research Unit, Department of Geology of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
H. Baker: M.Sc. Mineral Resource Evaluation (1995). Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
H. Baker: B.Sc. Honours Applied Geology (1994). Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
P.H. Macey: B.Sc. Honours Geology and Geochemistry (1993). Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
B.K. Davis: Ph.D. Structural Geology (1992). Deformation Processes, Cleavage Development and Granite Emplacement with Emphasis on Field and Microstructural Analysis. James Cook University, Australia.
D.S. Smith: M.Sc. Mining Geology (1992, Cum Laude). Morphology of Inter-Reef Volcanic units Associated with the Ventersdorp Contact Reef: Implications for Mining. Camborne School of Mines, United Kingdom.
D.S. Smith: B.Sc. Hons Geology (1991, Cum Laude). University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.
A. Kisters: Dipl.-Geol. M.Sc. (1988, Cum Laude). Aachen University, Germany.
B.K. Davis: B.Sc. Honours Geology (1986, Cum Laude). James Cook University, Australia.